We treat all conditions involving the skin, hair and nails. Our physicians place a special emphasis on the early detection and treatment of skin cancers. If a diagnosis of cancer is confirmed, we utilize a number of therapies including MOHS.

Advanced Dermatology provides comprehensive treatment for a broad range of skin problems, both chronic conditions and cosmetic concerns. Our experienced team of board certified dermatologists has access to the latest research and advanced technology, allowing us to deliver a level of medical care that is on par with academic medical centers to diagnose and treat skin, hair and nail disorders.

Your skin is your largest organ because it covers your entire body. It’s also one of the first features others notice about you.
Because your skin acts as your outer protective layer, covering your organs, your skin is exposed to the environment. This makes your skin vulnerable to growths, rashes, discoloration, cysts, burns, injuries, infections, and other disorders.

More than one million skin cancers are found in the U. S., and the rate has been increasing. The leading cause of skin cancer is sun exposure, and people who have fair skin or burn easily in the sun are most susceptible. However, skin cancer can be found in people of all types of skin color, from lightest to darkest.
Basal cell carcinoma is the most common type of skin cancer and can appear in different forms: shiny smooth bump, non-healing sore, waxy scar, or pink scaly patch.
Squamous cell carcinoma is the second most common type of skin cancer. It generally appears as red, scaly or crusty growths on sun exposed areas. Squamous cell carcinoma can grow deep into the tissue and if neglected, can metastasize and become life-threatening.
Melanoma is the deadliest form of skin cancer and can be found in people of all skin colors. It often arises on sun-exposed areas but can be anywhere on the skin and very rarely in other organs as well. It can develop from an existing mole or appear on previously normal skin. Early detection through careful skin cancer screening is paramount to timely intervention that can be life-saving.

At Advanced Dermatology, we remove skin cancers, cysts, lipomas, and other skin growths.

Mohs surgery, also known as microscopically controlled surgery, was developed by Dr. F. Mohs in the 1940’s. It is a common procedure used to treat certain skin cancers and to prevent the recurrence of that cancer. This precise method of treating skin cancers allows us to surgically remove the skin cancer and immediately examine the tissue to identify any remaining cancerous tissue.
Mohs surgery is often used when:
- certain areas of the body affected by skin cancer doesn’t respond to other treatment options
- the skin cancer is affecting an area of the body that the patient wishes to keep as much of the normal tissue as possible
- the size of the skin cancer cannot be easily determined by a visual examination
- cancer returns to a previously treated area

Mohs surgery is performed on an outpatient basis and requires a local anesthetic. In addition to having a higher success rate, Mohs is also recognized for its precision, making it the most aesthetic choice for skin cancer treatment